Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Its for you.

Okay,ever since I was born I've never met someone like you.
You're one of the mysterious man in the world. Okay,by the word 'world' it shows that how weird you are to me!!
Knowing you is the best new thing happened cus you inspired me :)
We belong to one group for Applied Anatomy class and you can imagine how shit it was for me to be with you -.- (SORRY!The feel was before I knew you) .
I'd set in my mind that sooner or later you and I will be talking to each other.
And yet,we still not 'hello' each other. The conversation only start when the time I ask Jessica about the location of Radius and Ulna. Then you start teach me about Fibia,Femula and all those lower limb bone.Thanks to you cus always remind me this part "Ingat ye kalau Tibia tu tulang yang tebal sebab nama dye TIBIA so TEBAL" . It still stick in my mind.
Applied anatomy class dismiss and we met at class. By the time we meet we again act like a stranger.
Like I dont know you and it same goes to you. Few days after I went to Jusco and I saw you :).
My heart plays their role by bating whether want to call your name or just ignore you.
So I decided to call you. You saw me but you left me with your sour face. Macam siottt je kau kan? I felt like you're the person who I hate the most!!!
I enter the class by 2pm.I again saw you sitting alone and try to start the conversation with you by asking you to sit next to Alif. You came to me with your sour face(AGAIN!!). Omg you're annoying,boy!!
Lecturer gave us break for a few minutes and I went to outside of the class. Chilling with Alif and Acap. I saw you came near me but that time there's nothing for me to talk to you anymore and I just ignore you. You came and say sorry.It is okay for me it's,nevermind cus we still in a process of knowing each other,rite? I ask you to change your attitude from an annoying person to better and talkative person.You started give me your blog url and your FB name. We chat there and FINALLY,I FEEL SO HAPPY CUS I KNEW YOU'RE CHANGING AND NOW YOU'RE MY FRIEND :))
#Goodjob AFIQ .

I miss him so badly .

I rindu you sangatsangat! I swear for it.
You pandai jaga hati I, you pandai buat I happy.
Harini you xde dengan I.I taw I yg minta macamni.
I nak kita try jangan contact satu hari sebab I nak tengok sejauh mana you rindu I.
Sumpah rindu you :'(.
Sayangg,thanks msg malam tadi.You cakap I yg terbaik yg you pernah jumpa :) I suka sangatt dengar.
I taw I dah kalahkan semua ex-ex you :) .Yang penting I tahu you xpernah serious dengan semua ex you dulu kecuali I. Thankss sebab bagi I kepercayaan tu sayang.
I happy gak sebab family I semua suka you and diorang kenal you rapattt sangatt. Best kan macamtu? hihi Ilove you baby!!!!