Friday, August 6, 2010


mana gambar2 kita heh gila?
gambar2 yang tyme kat kenduri sume tu.
cumel gila kot gambar2 kita.heee
nanti kau da upload bagi ak aw.
ak nak simpan and thankssss to all my superduper bestfriend sebab kita xd fight2 agy!
kita fight pon sebab mulut owg en?
so,from now on,kita macam dulu balik like what we should be :)

yes i am!

so,what do you think you are huh?
stupid fucker poker face -.-
i am hotter,nicer,cooler, than you and will always be more than you.
everybody says that -____-'

you used to be my super bestfriend.

tapi orang berubah kan?
okay la.peoples change!
same goes to you babe.